This is the PowerDNA %ver% package for VxWorks. PowerDNA software suite for VxWorks is a library and C API designed to control PowerDNA cubes and PowerDNR racks via Ethernet from a VxWorks target. It supports Vxworks 6.x =========== Directories =========== The driver comes as a .tgz archive that contains the following subdirectories: * src/ - Contains the source code for the DAQLib shared library and sample programs. See the "Installation" section below for instructions on how to build and install the software. * firmware/ - Contains the firmware file to install onto your PowerDNA cubes. Also contains a FirmwareInstall.html file explaining how to install the firmware. * explorer/ - Contains the PowerDNA Explorer application, used for configuring cubes and installing firmware. See the "Explorer" section below for instructions on how to run the Explorer program. * docs/ - Contains the PowerDNA User Manual and API Reference Manual. ============ Installation ============ The src directory contains the following subdirectories: * DAQLib - The library necessary for writing programs that work with PowerDNA IO modules (cubes) * UeiPalLib - A platform abstraction library needed for building the DAQLib. * DAQLib_Samples - A set of example programs demonstrating how to use the DAQLib to work with various layer types. To install the PowerDNA software, open a command prompt and navigate to the PowerDNA_%ver%/src/ directory. If you are using the "gnu" toolchain, you need first to edit the file $(WIND_BASE)/target/h/tool/gnu/defs.gnu and remove -ansi from the CC_COMPILER option. Then execute the following command: > make CPU= TOOL= This will build the library libPDNA.a and copy it to the directory $(WIND_BASE)/target/lib/$(VX_CPU_FAMILY)/$(CPU)/common Finally, to build the sample programs, you can either build them from the command line prompt using make or from the workbench IDE. To build from command-line, CD to the DAQLib_Samples directory and execute: > make CPU= TOOL= To build from the workbench: * Create a new "Downloadable kernel Module" project. * Set the active build specs to match the CPU and toolchain of your target * Import the source file of the example you want to build * Open the project properties and edit the build properties * In the "Build Tools" tab, remove "-ansi" flag from the compiler flags * In the "Build Paths" tab, add the path to /src/UeiPalLib and /src/DAQLib * In the "Libraries" tab, add $(WIND_BASE)/target/lib/$(VX_CPU_FAMILY)/$(CPU)/common/libPDNA.a Before building the examples, you must edit the source code of whichever samples you wish to use. Set the IOM_IPADDR constant to the IP address of your PowerDNA cube, and the DEVN constant to the device number of the appropriate layer. Layer numbering begins at zero. For example, If you are using the Sample201 example, and your AI-201 layer is the third layer in the cube, use a DEVN of 2. ======== Explorer ======== PowerDNA Explorer is a user friendly application written in Java that allows you get information about your PowerDNA cubes and their layers, and to install the firmware onto the cube. To use Explorer, you must have a Java runtime of at least version 1.4 installed. If you don't, you can download one from . To launch Explorer, execute this command: > java -jar PowerDNA\ Explorer.jar & Explorer can also be run in demo mode. When Explorer scans the network in demo mode, it will not find and display any actual PowerDNA cubes on your network. Instead, it will display a demo cube that you can interact with as though it were a real cube. To launch Explorer in demo mode, execute this command: > java -Ddemo=true -jar PowerDNA\ Explorer.jar &