Walpole, MA (July 26, 2011) — United Electronic Industries (UEI) announces the release of the DNA/DNR-DIO-470, 10-channel, high-current, electromechanical relay boards for use with UEI’s “Cube” and RACKtangle® I/O series respectively. The DIO-470 boards are designed for use in a wide variety of high-current switching and digital control applications. Each channel is configured as a standard Form C (SPDT) relay and switches voltages up to 140 VDC or 150 VAC. Each channel is rated for continuous operation at 4 Amps @ 30 VDC and 5 Amps at 125 VAC.
All relays default to “NC” on power up/reset. Switching rates up to 125 Hz are supported. Each relay is protected by an on-board 8 Amp fuse. To support the high current ratings, the DNx-DIO-470 board uses a special version of the 37-pin D connector, compatible with the DNA-CBL-470HC series cables and the DNA-STP-470 screw terminal panel.
About the “Cube”
UEI’s powerful “Cube” architecture is a compact (4 x 4 x 4” or 4 x 4 x 5.8”) Ethernet-based I/O platform. It may be deployed in five configurations: 1) Ethernet I/O slaved to a host PC, 2) Stand alone Data Logger/Recorder, 3) Linux-based Programmable Automation Controller (UEIPAC), or 4) Simulink Coder target (UEISIM), 5) Modbus TCP based I/O slave (UEI Modbus). Each Cube consists of a core module (with processor and network interface) and three or six open I/O slots. Users select the deployment option and I/O boards that meet their system requirements. With over 30 I/O boards available, there’s sure to be a configuration to meet any application requirement. A six-slot Cube provides up to: 150 analog inputs (up to 24 ICP channels), 192 analog outputs, 288 digital I/O, 48 counter or quadrature channels, 72 ARINC-429 channels and/or 24 Serial or CAN-bus ports. A full description of the “Cube” is available at www.ueidaq.com.
... the RACKtangle
The RACKtangle I/O chassis offers a similar capability as the cube, but in a more conventional, 3U rack form factor with easily accessed front-loading I/O boards. In addition, it offers 12 I/O slots and supports up to 300 A/D (including up to 48 ICP channels), 394 D/A, 576 DIO, 144 ARINC-429 or 96 CAN or Serial I/O ports. The Gigabit interface also provides two independent ports, one used for primary system control and the second used for real-time diagnostics. The HalfRACK chassis is the same except with 6-slots.
About UEI
Founded in 1990, UEI is a leader in the PC/Ethernet data acquisition and control, Data Logger/Recorder and Programmable Automation Controller (PAC) markets. UEI’s I/O “Cube” and RACKtangle I/O chassis are compact, rugged platforms, ideal for DAQ, Logging, and control applications in a wide range of applications and industries including automotive, aerospace/aviation, unmanned vehicles, appliance test, simulator control, in-vehicle test, wind and solar power system control, semiconductor manufacturing, medical equipment, and more. UEI offers both COTS and custom products to OEMs, end-users, and systems integrators worldwide. With analog, digital, counter, CAN-bus, Serial I/O, ARINC-429 I/O and more, UEI will have the interface you need. UEI supports all popular Windows, Vista, Linux and Real-time operating systems, programming languages and application packages, including LabVIEW, MATLAB and DASYLab.
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