3-slot, Ethernet-based I/O, Data Acquisition and Control Cube with PowerPC CPU

6-slot, Ethernet-based I/O, Data Acquisition and Control Cube with PowerPC CPU
(508) 921-4600
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The UEILogger product line is covered by UEI’s 10-year availability guarantee. Please be advised that on June 14, 2021 the 10-year clock was started, and we cannot promise delivery of UEILoggers after June 14, 2031. Please also note the UEILogger is not recommended for new applications. We have frozen the design so existing customers as of this date can get compatible units in the future. However, we will not be adding new I/O boards in the future and do not plan to update the firmware/software to support new operating systems or computer types.
Not recommended for new designs.
The UEILogger UPG allows owners of PPC versions of the PowerDNA Cube to upgrade their units to UEILoggers. Only PPC cubes may be upgraded. The upgrade includes the Windows based Logger setup application, Logger firmware, a 2 GB SD card and all required documentation.
See how quick it is to acquire data using the UEILogger data recorder. In less than 30 seconds you can configure channels and start logging data. The UEI Logger can log analog input, digital I/O, serial, CAN bus, ARINC-429 and MIL-STD-1553 bus data all in one package.
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