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Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Solutions

The FACE™ (Future Airborne Capability Environment) Consortium is a Government/Industry Partnership that aims to define an open avionics environment, the FACE™ Technical Standard, for military avionics platforms.

UEI is a proud member of the FACE™ Consortium and our COTS products are aligned with the FACE™ Technical Standard.

Within the FACE boundary, UEI utilizes RTI technology to participate in FACE systems via TSS - the Transport Services Segment.

Our hardware can be deployed as well as used for:

Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL)
Engine Test
Health & Usage Monitoring (HUMS)
Ground Support Equipment (GSE)
Avionics Testers

A Few Of Our Amazing Customers

Developing a solution requires consideration for the following:

  • New aircraft have more and more electronic equipment that is being used to control all functions of an aircraft.
  • Aircraft have become an ever more complex network of interconnected embedded devices. Various communication buses have become the backbone of aircraft electronic architecture (ARINC-429, CAN bus, ARINC-664 part 7).
  • New equipment needs to be thoroughly tested.
  • Unity Tests and several environmental tests must be performed. Therefore, the equipment must be connected to a test bench and the basic functions must be carefully checked before taking any other action.
  • Error injection capabilities are required in testing.

UEI and RTI Solutions

With RTI’s Connext® DDS product, UEI makes it easy to share data between any of our data acquisition and control boxes, as well as with other users, HMIs, and even SCADA systems. RTI Connext DDS provides a messaging and integration infrastructure for demanding, mission-critical distributed applications. It combines deterministic performance, low latency, high throughput, and fault tolerance into a fast and scalable open architecture for real-time systems.

Benefits of the FACE™ Solutions


The cost of integration is reduced by using a common API. Time is money, so new capabilities can be delivered more expeditiously reducing schedule and cost.

    UEI Aerospace & Vehicle System Application Stories

    SAIC CAATS Armament Test System
    FlightSafety International Simulator I/O
    US Navy LCAC SBC4 Controller

    USAF UH-1N Health & Usage Monitoring
    US Navy Rugged Sensor Interface Unit
    Aerospace Design Test Bed Manufacturer & DAQ